Recycling at Linden Park
The recycling program that Ali focused on this summer has started to take off, however it will definitely need encouragement from Somerset and property management. We currently have example and explanatory posters in Linden, along with a tack board to display actual recyclable items, but it will need to be maintained as a priority for Linden Park if it is going to become habit for residents.

Cooking Demonstrations
Olga at Channel Square has led the garden to serious beauty, all while increasing participation in the garden. One thing she has begun are cooking demonstrations for residents using mostly things that come from the garden. This is a great way to gather socially, and incorporate the garden into more events. Many of our properties have nice community rooms with kitchens and could mirror a program much the same way.

Installing an irrigation system at Linden has made a big difference and really excited the residents, as I hope it will at Hubbard. Automated irrigation takes one more complication from gardening maintenance out of the equation for residents.

The Capital Area Food Bank distribution at FPW and FPE has been incredibly successful. While there are still some kinks to work out about how to transport the food, it is essential that fresh food options are provided for residents in areas that suffer from a lack of food access. The residents have really taken to these programs and if we can spread them to other properties, I think they could stand to benefit, especially Fort View and Webster Gardens.